Placeholder Digging Deeside gets a Dandy Donation... | Dandy's Topsoil & Landscape Supplies



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Digging Deeside gets a Dandy Donation...

Digging Deeside gets a Dandy Donation...

Dandy's donate mushroom compost to Digging Deeside!


With the help of A.H Plant Hire Dandy's have donated 3 cubic metres of Mushroom Compost (Horse and Chicken Manure) to Digging Deeside for their Mill Lane Allotments, Connah's Quay, facilitated by RainbowBiz CIC.

As a volunteer run allotment the Mushroom Compost was a much needed donation to keep the beds and borders going right through to Spring.   Dandy's Mushroom Compost is a blend of rich organic well rotted Horse and Chicken Manure, making it perfect for adding nutrients to the soil, improving soil structure and planting flowers and veg!



Director of RainbowBiz CIC Sarah Way stated:

"Digging Deeside is a project that is run by RainbowBiz CIC a Flintshire based social enterprise.  We are extremely proud to have been asked to take on some voluntary gardening work by Cllr Christine Jones, Chair of Sealand Council and Cllr David Wisinger, County Councillor of Queensferry to create a beautiful space on Welsh Road.  Digging Deeside will be able to carry this out with support from Dandy's Topsoil who are providing funding for the project. It is hoped that we will be able to renew soil, plant colourful bedding plants, stunning summer bulbs and scented perennials to ensure beautiful natural colour throughout the year for everyone to enjoy.  It will also ensure that bees and other pollinators can thrive in the area too."



Volunteers braved the weather to help take delivery of the donation of mushroom compost, putting it straight into the existing beds.

Monies raised by The Health Lottery and funded through the People's Health Trust mean that Digging Deeside have the much needed tools and equipment to work on site.  RainbowBiz' main purpose is to promote equality and diversity and do this by enabling volunteers to develop skills, celebrate difference, empower the volunteers and engage with the local community.

Dandy's hope to continue to support Digging Deeside at their Mill Lane Allotment.


Dandy's have also agreed to supply the Garden City & Sealand communities in Flintshire, North Wales with £550.00 worth of landscaping materials for new flower beds & planters ready for Spring. 



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