Placeholder Dandy's Replace Stolen Bike for NHS Nurse #PayItForward | Dandy's Topsoil & Landscape Supplies



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Dandy's Replace Stolen Bike for NHS Nurse #PayItForward

Dandy's Replace Stolen Bike for NHS Nurse #PayItForward

Dandy's Topsoil & Landscape Centre on Sealand Road in Chester have decided to replace a bike which belonged to the NHS's Heather Lannin, which was stolen from in front of the hospital while she was working inside. 

Heather posted the following message on Facebook yesterday:

Heather Lannin Facebook

The post was then seen by owner of Dandy's, Adam Dandy, who decided to offer to replace the stolen bike for Heather, with one single condition, that she pays the good deed forward to someone else in the near future.

Adam Dandy

Adam commented "When I saw that someone had stolen this lady's bike from in front of a hospital, while she was inside trying to help save and improve the lives of others, it was an easy call to make to replace it for her, I've been to Halfords this morning and found the exact same model bike, and a really strong bike lock!

I hope Heather went to work this morning with a smile on her face in the knowledge that the public sincerely appreciate everything that those who work in the NHS do for us complete strangers every single day of the year". 

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