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My Winter Garden

My Winter Garden

Winter is a great time for gardeners to take stock, tidy up, protect plants and plan ahead. Winter can feel like a gloomy time in the garden. 


✔️ Repair the lawn
✔️ Top up borders
✔️ Suppress weeds
✔️ Plant spring bulbs
✔️ Remove dead branches, leaves and plants
✔️ Create a seating area
✔️ Top up gravel driveway
✔️ Tidy up chicken coop or animal houses

Protect your plants...
Mulch, mulch, mulch!  We are huge mulching advocates here at Dandy's, the benefits of which are endless.
A layer of mulch will look after plant and veg roots during cold snaps and break down slowly over time, releasing much needed nutrients and therefore improving the soil structure ready for Spring planting.

Dandy's love...

Mushroom Compost - great for veg plots as it's easy to work with and the pH will help improve your yield. 

Landscaping Bark  - suppresses weeds, traps heat and gives a lovely tidy finish.

Dandy's Landscaping Bark

Border Bark - our Border Bark is more uniform so is very decorative, but it still has the same benefits are the Landscaping Bark.

Composted Mulch Fines - perfect for borders with a clay soil and bad drainage. 

Chicken Coop Chips - a mix of chipped hard woods that provide a hardwearing, clean base for your poultry run or coop.  The smell of the chipped wood is great for keeping your coop fresh - chickens love to scratch in it too!  The chips help keep the floor warm and dry during the winter.

Dandy's Chicken Coop Chips 

Multi Purpose Compost - lovely black compost that is ideal for sad soils with a sandy consistency, will rot down quicker though so may need topping up more regularly.



Planting Veg...

Most veggies can be planted or sown directly outdoors, here are some of our winter favourites...
  • Onions and Shallots
  • Garlic
  • Spring Onions
  • Perpetual Spinach
  • Broad Beans
  • Peas
  • Asparagus
  • Winter Salads

Our VegeGrow Topsoil is a rich blend of topsoil and veg growing compost, making it perfect for planting all types of veg and fruit. 

Cold frames are ideal for protecting your veg plots and come spring will act as a greenhouse.

 Cold Frame

 Dandy's VegeGrow Topsoil


Plant out your Christmas Tree... 

If you have bought a tree with a root ball for the Christmas period you are lucky you can now transfer your tree outside.  Spruces, Pines and Furs prefer a natural sandy loam like our Lawnmix Topsoil.

 Dandy's Christmas Compost


Look after our furry friends...

Garden birds need our help throughout winter so put out a little food and water each day for Mr Robin and friends.  

Get rid of your used Christmas Tree around the garden.  Prop up your old tree near your bird feeder as a staging area for small birds, such as sparrows and finches. Create a bird feeder and haven. String your tree with orange slices, cranberries, homemade suet and other bird-friendly goodies, and put it in a sheltered location.

Top up feeders for squirrels and ensure ice is broken on bird baths and ponds.

Dandy's Wildlife care

Don't forget to look out for Hedgehogs in your garden, especially if the weather has been mild as they may be late going into hibernation.  Often raking up leaves can unearth a hoggie home so make them a quiet, undisturbed home in a corner of your garden using a pile of leaves or some of our Landscaping Bark and a wooden box. 
Leave out some water in a shallow dish with stones in, they also love meat based cat or dog food too if you have some spare.

Hedgehog house

Christmas trees are popular form of enrichment in zoos and animal sanctuaries!  Contact your nearest to see if they're accepting donations. 

Did you know?  Elephants can eat up 5 large Christmas Trees in just one sitting! 



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