Placeholder How to Attract Wild Birds to Your Garden | Dandy's Topsoil & Landscape Supplies

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How to Attract Wild Birds to Your Garden

How to Attract Wild Birds to Your Garden

As well as installing bird boxes and feeders around your garden you can also adopt some of our suggestions to help make your garden a little more bird friendly…

Grow trees or shrubs which bear fruit or berries; not only will this provide you with your own delicious home-grown fruits but this will also attract birds and will provide them with shelter from predators. Grow fruit trees and shrubs in our Vegegrow Topsoil to be sure you’re planting into a good quality, fertile, organic topsoil.

Leave any fruit which drops from the tress on the ground. Many birds will happily clear away the windfall fruits for you – saving you some backache over the Autumn.

Make sure that you only put organic products into your garden. Soil from a non-reputed supplier could be filled with chemicals and waste which is not only harmful to wildlife but also to you and your family, so don’t risk it!

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